Tuesday, 30. November 2004

A bird in the hand is worth two of what Bush has

So George W. Bush would be arriving in Ottawa around now, supposedly.

The newspaper was filled this morning with anti-protest rants. How I hate the Citizen and it's inconsistent editorial policies. The main thrust of the arguments appeared to be that it was "disrespectful" to protest anything to do with the United States in front of dear ol' Dub because he's been democratically elected and to do so would be "disrespectful" of the democratic choices of Americans. Which must be the weakest, lamest argument ever to keep your head down and your mouth shut. Hitler won two elections. And like Bush and his Republicans, he and the Nazi party got a higher percentage of the vote in his second term. But I don't think anyone would suggest that if Adolf were to show up in Ottawa, that we should be respectful, or even vaguely nice, lest we offend the Germans. Not that I'm comparing Bush to Hitler; Dubya, for all his shortcomings, at least has a decent fashion sense.

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